Clipping of news on Brazilian Culture, Law and Citizenship


Project requires blood glucose testing in emergency


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The blood glucose test is essential to know whether blood sugar levels are controlled

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Is under consideration in the House of Representatives a bill that mandates the achievement of blood glucose testing in emergency hospitals, emergency rooms, and basic health units in the public and private network from Brazil, reports the Portal Chamber.

In the text, the author of the proposal, Mrs Benedicta da Silva (PT-RJ), clarifies that the test should be done with the initial medical procedures that every patient receives so enters the units of health care.

The blood glucose test is essential to know whether blood sugar levels are controlled. Through a small blood sample - taken from the patient's finger and analyzed in a measuring instrument - it is possible to diagnose diabetes.

In evaluating Benedicta, the lack of information is responsible for many deaths that could be avoided. "Diabetes is a silent disease. Many people have died because they have not received adequate treatment and did not really know who are diabetic. Lacking this simple test, we highly misdiagnosis and who have caused deaths," he says.

Data from the IDF (International Diabetes Federation), show that the number of diabetics worldwide comes close to 370 million people. Brazil ranks 4 th among countries with high cases. The bill follows the House and is still subject to conclusive analysis of committees on Social Security and Family, Constitution, Justice and Citizenship.

Source: R7

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